Joe Hicks started at CSN in 2003. He began as a part-time tutor before becoming full-time in 2007. Joe has conducted over 30,000 tutoring sessions at CSN. He holds a MS in Accountancy and a MA in English. Joe is a CSN Alumnus holding an Associates of Business.
Seeking Nominations for November 2022:
The Administrative Faculty Assembly would like to help you recognize the contributions of administrative and professional faculty at the College of Southern Nevada. If you know any administrative or professional faculty that you feel deserves to be recognized, please take a moment to fill out a short online nomination form. Please direct any questions to the AFA past chair, Nancy Stachura Webb nancy.webb@csn.edu.
More information about the AFA, the Administrative Faculty Employee of the Month, and a list of previous recipients can be found on our website: https://at.csn.edu/administrative-faculty-assembly-afa.
Nomination forms are due on the 15th of each month. It takes just a moment; please help recognize a hard-working colleague today! Please use this link https://forms.office.com/r/5AJyL8EtRw to nominate. Thank you for helping to recognize the great work done by your friends and colleagues.