Cristina Adams is an Administrative Assistant II supporting the VETS Center on the CSN Charleston campus. She is a CSN alumna with a commitment to lifelong learning who is passionate about growing her ability to serve CSN students.
As a student herself she maintained a 4.0 GPA and maintained membership in Phi Theta Kappa while at CSN and is currently pursuing a her bachelor’s degree at UNLV.
She has a natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge that has enabled her to meet a variety of needs for the VETS Center. “Her exceptional service to students is very much aligned with the CSN mission,” wrote colleague Geoff Roberts in his nomination.
Cristina’s laugh is infectious and she has a way of leaving students with a positive feeling. “It’s rare to not hear her laugh when assisting students whether she is working with them in-person or on the phone,” continued Roberts. Her team at the CSN VETS center feels fortunate to have her on the team. Congratulations Cristina!
Seeking Nominations:
If you would like to nominate someone for CEOM, please submit the Nomination Form to Lucia Peterson. Please submit the Nomination Form to lucia.peterson@csn.edu. Do not send through interoffice mail. Thank you.
The Classified Employee of the Month will receive $200, a certificate, a designated parking spot and be recognized on a plaque at all three campuses.
The purpose of this award is to recognize exceptional classified employees who stand out among the many employees that consistently perform at a high level.
Ranking and selection by the council members is “blind.” The employee name and work area on the nomination form will be hidden from the council, thus we are asking for the nominator’s cooperation in not mentioning names and work areas in the narrative, when possible. Nominees who are not selected as the CEOM, will be considered for two additional months. As the recipient of the nomination forms, I do not participate in the rating of nominees.