The Nevada Promise Scholarship is a unique scholarship established by the Nevada Legislature for Nevada high school graduates to attend community college. As a last-dollar scholarship, the Nevada Promise Scholarship can cover up to three years of tuition and other mandatory fees not covered by other gift aid.
Mentors are an important part of the Nevada Promise Scholarship and a strong support structure is key to help students find success. Meet the mentors who help provide support and guidance to student receiving the Nevada Promise scholarship at CSN.
Barbara Graham says being a Nevada Promise mentor for students attending CSN has been one of the greatest honors during her tenure at CSN. “My first mentoring opportunity was at the newly completed Henderson Student Union, and I was actually a little nervous,” she said. ” The students that I met that day were amazing young, eager students who were wanting to better their lives, follow a dream and create a career for themselves,” she continued. ” Since that day, being a Nevada Promise mentor has become one of the greatest opportunities I have experienced at CSN.”
When CSN moved to a remote educational platform in March of 2020, at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Nevada Promise Office and staff quickly and efficiently adapted to this new way of learning. “I am so impressed with our colleagues in the Nevada Promise office and how they tirelessly keep volunteers informed, create an informative newsletter and work with so many new and returning Nevada Promise students,” said Graham.
She is optimistic about the future for CSN student and the Nevada Promise scholarship. “We are all embracing a new way of learning this semester, and I have no doubt that our Nevada Promise students will rise to the occasion and help lead us through these changes,” she said. “I have been inspired by these young students and their commitment to furthering their education and lives. I look forward to continuing my service as a Nevada Promise mentor for years to come. Go Coyotes!!”
CSN is seeking mentors of all backgrounds who are willing to give 3-5 hours each semester to guide the future of Nevada. Learn more at