Local Salvation Army clients learn cooking skills from the college’s Culinary Program

CSN Chef John Metcalfe
LAS VEGAS, Oct. 26, 2017 – Every semester for the last 20 years, chefs from the College of Southern Nevada’s nationally renowned culinary program have trained a handful of local Salvation Army clients in the art of cooking and preparing food, getting them ready for jobs in the fast-paced restaurant environment.
On Wednesday, the latest group of students who have completed the program will celebrate their accomplishment at a graduation ceremony, to be held at Russell’s Restaurant on CSN’s North Las Vegas Campus. Members of the local media are invited.
“This is just something we do to help make our community a better place to live,” said Chef John Metcalfe, who helped found the small program in 1997. “Once they’ve completed the program, most of the students are able to get jobs using the skills they’ve learned here.”
Fifteen students go through the program each semester. Learning real-world jobs skills can help them move past the hardships that led many of them to endure difficult times.
Several are expected to share their stories at the graduation ceremony.
What: Ceremony for students studying culinary arts
When: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 1
Where: Russell’s Restaurant on CSN’s North Las Vegas Campus