CSN transportation technology instructor John Ventura holds a plaque presented today by the American Legion Post 149.
It was all smiles today as a military veterans advocacy group thanked CSN for a job well done.
“We really appreciate it,” said John Rupe, commander of the American Legion Post 149. “We appreciate everyone who had any kind of input in this.”
Rupe and post Adjutant Doc Moss were on hand at the College of Southern Nevada’s Transportation Technology program’s headquarters to present a plaque and pick up the post’s trailer, which had been stolen and vandalized several months before.
Back in the spring, the trailer was stolen from the post’s office. When it was recovered, it had been spray painted, and everything inside was missing, including tables and chairs, and food donated for wounded veterans. Seeking help, they came to CSN.
Instructor John Ventura explained that CSN decided to take on fixing up the trailer as a semester-long class project. Instead of “repairing” car body parts that had been repaired and purposely re-damaged every semester for the next batch of students, this time they’d take on a real-world challenge.
In addition to the spray paint, the trailer’s front wheel was destroyed, it had a hole and several dents in it, and the locking mechanism for the rear doors was damaged. Ventura said students and instructors also rechecked the suspension and wheel bearings, too, just in case.
Student Scott Perkins, who is a U.S. Army veteran, said the project took on special significance to him. He often came after hours, on his own time, to make sure the job was done as perfectly as it could be.
Indeed, the trailer came out looking beautiful, with a sweeping red, white and blue design appropriate for a veterans organization.