Dear CSN Family,
Today we will highlight important information from our Human Resources team that is intended to help the CSN family maneuver in today’s complex environment.
Please know that the Employee Assistance Program is available for you any time you need it. We understand that stress can sometimes follow change and uncertainty. This program is a great resource for our CSN family at no charge and is accessible by phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is 100 percent confidential and is designed to assist employees and families in handling personal and work-related issues. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this resource if you believe it would help you.
Open enrollment for Public Employees Benefits Plan health insurance will be May 15-30 this year. Those not making any changes do not need to do anything. Those making changes need to go through the PEBP website portal. PEBP stated that they will have webinars and will send out information regarding how to enroll. They will also have supplemental products employees can enroll in.
In addition, open enrollment for MetLaw and ASI Flexible Spending is May 1 – 30, 2020. This open enrollment is through Workday. With our CSN family working in our virtual environment, Human Resources wants to ensure a smooth open enrollment period, so please email HRcustomerservice@csn.edu should you have any questions.
For those who want to know when we might return to campus, there has been no change since last week. As of now, what we know for certain is that all instruction will remain remote through June 30. While a firm date has not been set for employees to return to campus, non-teaching staff will remain in their virtual work environment or on paid administrative leave status at least through the remainder of the spring semester. As you know, the environment we are in now evolves quickly, so we will keep you informed of developments as they pertain to the CSN family.
Lastly, please continue to monitor the CAPE website, where you will find new online training sessions that range from critical thinking to effective online collaboration.
As always, thank you all for your hard work putting our Students First, and for remaining Vegas Strong and CSN Proud.
Stay safe and God bless.

Federico Zaragoza
College of Southern Nevada