Dear CSN Family,
Today, I have several updates to share with you on topics ranging from aid for our students to new tools you can use to help you work and teach remotely.
First, you may be aware that Gov. Sisolak issued new plans yesterday indicating that the reopening of Nevada will commence this weekend with the beginning of Phase I on Saturday. Notably, the governor indicated that “State offices currently closed to the public will remain closed to the public during Phase 1.”
At CSN, we have been busy planning the best approach to bring our employees back to campus, and the best time to do so. Any decisions we make in the coming days and weeks will be based on guidance from the campus community, public health officials, the chancellor’s office, and the governor’s office – always with the health and safety of our faculty, staff and students as the first consideration.
As you know, CSN is a large and complex institution with many moving parts, and we want to ensure that our plan meets the needs of our college, our students, and our employees. We expect to begin our return to work plan with a gradual and careful phased-in approach. Please look for more details on this in next week’s communications.
In response to student needs, we have updated our new payment plan option for summer students to lower the threshold to qualify. Now, instead of a minimum six credits, students who are taking as few as three credits can qualify for the payment plan. Historically, our Cashier’s Office has offered payment plan options for the fall and spring semesters only. Please encourage your students to look for this selection in PeopleSoft.
In other important news:
- Earlier this week, Human Resources sent out an email outlining the steps needed to obtain textbooks through the Classified Book Voucher program in our remote environment. We have also posted those steps in the employee FAQs on our coronavirus page. Please contact Jennifer Cross in HR if you have questions.
- If you missed the chancellor’s town hall meeting on DACA issues, it is now available online.
- CSN began distributing $7 million in CARES Act funds to our students today. Eligible CSN students will be automatically awarded funding and do not need to apply. They will receive between $200 and $1,000 each.
- The CSN Institutional Advisory Council meets next week. Among the important topics to be discussed are the COVID-19 pandemic and the CSN Foundation’s Impact Report 2019.
- CSN’s Office of Technology Services has posted a new assortment of remote working and learning tools. Please take advantage of these innovative resources.
As always, thank you for your commitment and dedication to our students first mission. We are in this together, and together we remain Vegas strong and CSN proud.
Stay safe and God bless.

Federico Zaragoza
College of Southern Nevada