It has been over a year now since CSN began remote work and instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic — and what an incredible year it has been. Despite the challenges, we have come together as a team to ensure that our students come first, our CSN Family remains safe, and our community can continue counting on us.
We will see a record-sized graduating class this month, we will see a gradual return to campus for our faculty and staff this summer, and we will see thousands of students in our classrooms this summer and fall. It is an exciting time at CSN.
I could not be more proud of the entire CSN Family for your efforts day in and day out. On behalf of the students who depend on us all, thank you for another successful academic year.
Return to Campus
As we discussed in our Town Hall last month, we will begin a gradual, phased-in approach to returning to campus in June, leading to what we expect to be a fall semester with full services available to our students on campus.
June 1 — President’s Direct Reports Return
June 14 — Academic Deans, AVPs, support staff return
June 28 – July 1 — Employees Return, In-Person Services Resume
August 23 — Fall Convocation, Faculty Return
August 30 — Fall Semester Begins
All employees will be provided with a 10-day notice from their supervisor before returning to campus. Please be on the lookout for information soon about Return to Campus preparation sessions. And please know that all protocols and safety guidelines in effect at the time will be followed. We want to keep ensuring that the health and safety of our faculty, staff and students remains our top priority.
Class of 2021 Commencement

I know you are all as excited as I am that the Class of 2021 — our largest graduating class ever — will be honored with an in-person Commencement Ceremony on May 15! Graduating from college is an incredible accomplishment, particularly during the challenges we have all faced in this last year. Please join me in congratulating the CSN Class of 2021.
Congratulations 2021 CSN Outstanding Students!
We are pleased to announce this year’s Outstanding Student Awards! This is an incredible group of students, who worked incredibly hard during a challenging year. The virtual celebration will premier at 5:30 p.m. Friday, May 7.
CSN’s 50th Anniversary Celebrations
As CSN prepares for its 50th year starting in fall 2021, we want you to help us tell the college’s story. If you have memories, pictures, or mementos to share please email celebrate50@csn.edu. Thank you for your dedication to our students & to CSN’s continuing story.
Hope for Prisoners

I want to thank Hope for Prisoners for naming CSN their Academic Partner of the Year. This incredible organization does so much good in the community by helping inmates transition back into society, and I could not be more proud to partner with them.
Welcome to Nevada State College’s New President, Dr. DeRionne Pollard

Congratulations to Dr. DeRionne Pollard, appointed by the Board of Regents as the new President of Nevada State College. Dr. Pollard, who is currently president of Montgomery College in Maryland, begins August 16. She is not only the first Black woman to serve as permanent president of the institution, but of any NSHE institution. Dr. Pollard earned a bachelor’s degree from Iowa State University, a master’s degree from Iowa State University, and a Ph.D. from Loyola University.
New Vice Chancellor for Workforce Development and Chief Innovation Officer

The Nevada System of Higher Education announced Caleb Cage will rejoin the system as the Vice Chancellor for Workforce Development and Chief Innovation Officer following his yearlong effort directing the State of Nevada’s COVID-19 response. Cage begins June 10. In addition, NSHE Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs Crystal Abba assumes the title of Interim Vice Chancellor for Community Colleges following the departure of Nate MacKinnon.
Workforce Development Grant-funded Expansion

I want to once again thank Gov. Steve Sisolak for his continued support of CSN and our workforce development efforts. The governor joined us on the Henderson Campus last month to celebrate our efforts, the result of a Workforce Innovations for a New Nevada grant. This will allow our students to obtain Manufacturing Skills Standards Council (MSSC) and National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) industry-recognized certifications.
A new tool donated to the our Division of Workforce & Economic Development will help local job seekers obtain the skills needed to succeed in an increasingly crowded job market. CSN received a donation of a Skill Boss Manufacturing: MSSC CPT Plus Certification & Assessment from Klein Educational Systems. The machine, housed at CSN’s Sarah West Center, is valued at $25,000 and tests proficiency in more than 66 skills commonly utilized in manufacturing trades. I want to thank Ken and Linda Baxter for their generous support of our students.
New Deans Appointed
I am pleased to announce that Janice Glasper has accepted the position of Dean of the Engelstad School of Health Sciences, while Dr. Richard Kravchak has accepted the position of Dean of the School of Arts & Letters. Please join me in congratulating them both.
CSN & Assistance League Team Up
We are extremely grateful to the Assistance League of Las Vegas for their recent donation drive to benefit CSN’s Coyote Cupboards food pantries. In all, several thousand food and personal hygiene items were donated through the group’s coordinated efforts to help CSN students.
CSN Faculty Earn Tenure
Please join me in congratulating the 26 members of the CSN Family who were awarded Tenure this month by the Nevada System of Higher Education’s Board of Regents. This is an affirmation of their commitment to instructional excellence and a major milestone in their careers.
Student Emmy Nominations
Six CSN students have been nominated for Student Emmy Awards! This is a remarkable accomplishment. In all, students from the Videography & Film Program have received 94 Student Production Emmy nominations and 44 wins in the last seven years. Winners will be announced next month. Congratulations!
Taskforce on Higher Education and Opportunity
I’m extremely pleased to announce that I have joined higher education leaders from around the country on the Taskforce on Higher Education and Opportunity. The Taskforce is committed to addressing major barriers to higher education facing students and communities nationwide. It formed in response to the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and will provide opportunity to students and their communities, share insights with the education community and reimagine the impact of higher education on society.
CSN Student, Professor Win Regents’ Awards
CSN Student Adrian Edward Bell earned the Regents’ Scholar award from the Nevada System of Higher Education’s Board of Regents, and CSN Nursing professor Ronald Gonzalez won the Nevada Regents’ Teaching Award. Congratulations to them both!
Phi Theta Kappa

Reach Awards
Once again, the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society chapter at CSN has received national recognition. Our chapter has been named a 2021 REACH Chapter and will receive special recognition in the form of three PTK graduation stoles for chapter officers or members to be worn during graduation. Phi Theta Kappa’s REACH Rewards program recognizes and rewards chapters that excel in membership development. Congratulations!
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New Century Workforce Pathway Scholar
CSN student and PTK member Tomas Luna has been selected as a 2021 New Century Workforce Pathway Scholar! This scholarship supports students at associate degree-granting institutions on a national scale as they plan to enter the workforce upon the completion of a degree or certificate. The scholarship program is sponsored by the Coca-Cola Foundation and Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. Congratulations to Mr. Tomas Luna on this outstanding achievement.
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Two PTK Scholarship Winners!
CSN student Alejandra Zambrano Alvarado won the New Century Transfer Pathway Scholarship, worth $2,250, and student Tomas Luna, Jr. won the New Century Workforce Pathway Scholarship worth $1,250. Congratulations Alejandra and Tomas!
Meaningful Writing Experience
Ten students have been selected to receive $1,000 Meaningful Writing Experience Scholarship awards. Congratulations! Read the award recipient testimonials and see what projects students submitted to the MWE Scholarship.
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CSN Leadership Academy Applications Available
Prospective class members are now being solicited for the CSN Leadership Academy Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 cohorts. Applications and more information are available online.
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Awards Deadline
The deadline to nominate yourself, an outstanding peer, or a colleague for a CSN Excellence Award or a Distinguished Employee Award is May 10. Don’t delay! Cash prizes of up to $2,500 are available. Visit the CSN recognition website for details and to apply.
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Accessible Space Board of Directors
Dr. Sonya Pearson, Vice President & Provost on the Charleston Campus, has been selected to serve on the Board of Directors of Accessible Space, Inc., a nonprofit that works to provide accessible, affordable housing, property management and supportive living services to over 3,000 adults with physical disabilities and brain injuries, as well as seniors.
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CSN Students’ Scientific Research
CSN students and faculty were instrumental in research about Lake Ivanpah at Ivanpah Dry Lake near Primm, Nevada. Twelve CSN students participated in the field and laboratory portions of this project. Their published work showed that the occurrence of pluvial lakes in isolated desert basins of the Mojave Desert during the late Pleistocene was possible.
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CSN HVAC Students Help Local Groups

A group of students from CSN’s HVAC Center of Excellence at Western High School installed a commercial-quality walk-in freezer at Project 150’s facility in Las Vegas. Project 150 is a local nonprofit that provides homeless, displaced and disadvantaged high school students with basic necessities. Now, thanks to CSN’s students, they are able to provide more fresh and frozen food for high school students and their families.
In addition, HVAC students also helped with the replace units and duct work on the Shade Tree facility downtown.
I am so proud of our instructors and students for helping our community.