Spring 2022 Semester COVID-19 Safety


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Dear CSN Students,

Welcome to the Spring 2022 semester! We want to remind you that the health and safety of students and employees continues to be our top priority. Unfortunately, we are in yet another surge of positive COVID-19 cases, due in large part to the highly contagious Omicron variant. 

The good news is that approximately 98 percent of CSN employees are fully vaccinated, as are an estimated 72 percent of the state’s college students. We must continue to be flexible and vigilant. In addition to encouraging vaccinations, CSN continues with the following strategies: 

  • Report COVID-19 symptoms, testing status and close contacts via the COVID-19 Reporting Form or Wellness@csn.edu so our Case Management team can provide guidance and assist with coordination with your faculty member(s). Case Management provides guidance as to when you can be on campus when a COVID-19 report is needed as well as quarantine protocols consistent with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Students with COVID-19 related symptoms, a positive COVID-19 test or who have been in close contact with someone who tested positive should not come to campus until they have been cleared by our team. 
  • Face coverings remain a requirement indoors, and outdoors when around others. 
  • Safety signage is provided across all buildings on campus and sites. 
  • CSN has partnered with the Southern Nevada Health District to provide COVID-19 testing and vaccinations on all three CSN campuses.  

Campus support services and classes will remain in person. Our CSN departments, faculty, and support areas have contingency plans in the event temporary measures become necessary. 

On-campus events will be deferred until the current environment improves. 

CSN has a broad array of services and support to assist our students, including counseling, support for those with disabilities, free resources for STEM students, and free clothing or personal items for those in need. In addition, the Student Emergency Fund | CSN provides students with assistance when faced with an unexpected emergency situation.  

Please continue to look for additional guidance and information on our COVID-19 webpage https://at.csn.edu/covid19 and from the CSN leadership team.

Wishing you a great Spring 2022 semester. 

Federico Zaragoza
College of Southern Nevada

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