CSN and Nevada JobConnect to Open Workforce Development Center for Employers

New center first-of-its-kind in the state to provide office for employers to obtain all they need to help their businesses prosper

 LAS VEGAS, November 15, 2013 – The College of Southern Nevada and Nevada JobConnect have partnered to open a center on campus to help employers with their recruitment and training needs and to support the Governor’s Office of Economic Development in attracting new businesses to Nevada. 

Officials from Nevada JobConnect and the college will officially open the Nevada Workforce Development Center on Nov. 20, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. at the CSN Cheyenne campus in North Las Vegas. Members of the community are also invited to learn about the center’s services.

“I am pleased to see this partnership between education and workforce development take shape,” said Governor Sandoval. “If we are to successfully attract businesses to the Silver State, we must be able to offer opportunities to develop diverse training programs and provide a highly skilled workforce that can support a global economy.” 

The center is part of the Governor’s vision to bring education and workforce development together to help advance economic development for the state.

“Business owners now have a place to go, a college campus, where we have thousands of students preparing to enter the workforce, to get customized training for current employees, regional economic data, or help identifying potential hires with specific skillsets,” said CSN President Michael Richards. “This is a great opportunity for our students entering the workforce and for businesses looking for talented workers.”

Nevada JobConnect will also partner with the other community colleges in the state to locate similar workforce development centers on their campuses, said Frank Woodbeck, director for the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR).

“We are pleased to have CSN to be the first of the community colleges to roll out this partnership in workforce development and education,” Woodbeck said. “This is a tremendous opportunity to streamline resources for the common goal of supporting business and industry in the state of Nevada and to support economic development efforts, while getting Nevadans back to work.”

The center is staffed with CSN Division of Workforce & Economic Development (DWED) and Nevada JobConnect employees who can help employers with recruitment, employee pre-screening, job profiling, job postings and job matching services and more — all at no cost. In addition, employers have access to the largest database of job seekers (220,000 and growing), provided through the Nevada JobConnect.   The center offers employers customized training programs and employee assessment and credentialing programs. Employers will also have access to extensive regional economic data, including local forecasts, wage and labor force information.

The center can also provide businesses with information and assistance in developing partnerships with other entities and accessing state and federal funding opportunities, such as tax incentives for hiring and training.

About the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation:
DETR is comprised of the Employment, Security Division, Equal Rights Commission, Rehabilitation Division, the Information Development and Processing Division and the Research and Analysis Bureau. DETR works in partnership with the Nevada JobConnect System to provide training and job placement services to jobseekers and to assist employers in hiring practices. 


About CSN’s Division of Workforce & Economic Development:
The CSN Division of Workforce & Economic Development (DWED) is the college’s self-supporting, non-academic credit division that offers a number of programs designed to help get residents into high-demand fields or get the basic soft and hard skills necessary to obtain meaningful employment. In addition, the DWED also creates customized training for local businesses and provides personal enrichment courses to Southern Nevada.






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