The number to look at in this chart is the 108.9 percent. CSN surpassed its performance goals this year.
We have good news here at the College of Southern Nevada. CSN has exceeded performance goals tied to funding for fiscal year 2015! In fact, we had the highest percentage achievement rate of any higher education institution in the state.
This matters because general fund appropriations for NSHE institutions in FY 15 will begin being tied to performance goals. CSN reached 108.9 percent of its goal for 2012-13.
CSN President Michael Richards congratulated all faculty, staff and students on this achievement today. “This is great news for CSN. In May, CSN saw its largest graduating class ever. I think we’re beginning to see evidence that the dedicated efforts of faculty and staff to innovate and implement new student-success centered initiatives are working. More importantly, it is indicative of the hard work of our students who are overcoming obstacles and are focused on studying hard, passing classes and achieving!” he said.