Welcome back; here’s your burger

Soon, classes will start again and you’ll feel that beginning-of-the-semester newness that you always feel, the one where you’re either unsure what’s next or you roll your eyes at been there, done that vibe you’re getting.

It doesn’t have to be like that, you know. You can get involved. You can learn more, not just the stuff your profs want drilled into your heads, but the other stuff. The stuff about college life.

Counseling? Student clubs? Tutoring? Student government? If only all that info was presented in a single place, on a single day, so it was easy to find.

CSN President Michael Richards, left, visits a recent CSN Connections event

CSN President Michael Richards, left, attends a recent CSN Connections event

It just so happens that the folks who run this place had the same thought. Which is why we hold the CSN Connections events at the start of every semester. This year, they’ll be taking place Jan. 20, 21 and 22 on all three campuses.

“We’ll be greeting new and returning students and offering them whatever help they need,” said Darren Divine, CSN’s vice president of academic affairs. “The food and prizes are a bonus.”

Free burgers and dogs, chips and drinks. Sure. But there’s so much more. Raffles and prizes, actual people you can talk to about your future, about getting involved, about making sure your time at CSN is exactly what you want it to be.

So don’t just pass the event by on your way to class. Stop. Talk. Eat free food and meet new people. It’ll be fun. You like fun, don’t you?

Here are the times and locations of the events:

  • Tuesday, Jan 20: 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., outside the B building on the Henderson campus
  • Wednesday, Jan 21: 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., outside the main entrance on the Cheyenne campus
  • Thursday, Jan 22: 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., outside the D building on the Charleston campus

    CSN faculty and staff are always on hand at CSN Connections to answer student questions

    CSN faculty and staff are always on hand at CSN Connections to answer student questions

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