April Cabinet Notes


Cabinet Notes

April 12, 2010

Cabinet Members:
President Mike Richards
John Bearce, Interim Director of Institutional Research
K.C. Brekken, Communications Manager
Thomas Brown, Chief Campus Administrator, Cheyenne
Art Byrd, Vice President, Student Affairs
Patty Charlton, Senior Vice President for Finance & Facilities
Darren Divine, Interim Vice President, Academic Affairs
Richard Hinckley, General Counsel
Bill Kerney, Faculty Senate Chair-Elect
Penny McCollum, Campus Site Administrator, Henderson Campus
Joan McGee, Chief Campus Administrator, Charleston Campus
Larry Mason, Interim Vice President, Diversity & Cultural Affairs
Jacque Matthews, Executive Director, Foundation
Dave Morgan, Chair, Administrative Faculty Assembly
Mark Rauls, Faculty Senate Chair
Cat Maihen, President, Classified Council
Mugunth Vaithylingam, Chief Information Officer
Nathaniel Waugh, Student Government President
Anne Zemek de Dominguez, General Counsel
Guests: Faculty, Staff and Members of the Strategic Planning Committee

The meeting was called to order by Dr. Richards at 9 a.m.

The notes of the March 8, 2010 cabinet meeting were approved.

Dr. Richards reviewed upcoming events from the calendar then turned the meeting over to Dr. Joan McGee and Dr. Anneli Adams, co-chairs of the Strategic Planning Committee. The link to the presentation, Web cast, and support materials can be viewed at the following link:

Below is a copy of the email sent April 15, 2010:
The following message is from Dr. Anneli Adams & Dr. Joan McGee:

Good afternoon to everyone!

CSN’s new 2010-2017 strategic plan draft is now available on our Web site. The link is:

On this site is also the Web cast presentation from last Monday’s President’s Cabinet meeting, in case you were unable to attend and want to review that meeting.

Following a comprehensive and inclusive two-year process of open forums, e-mails, phone calls, surveys (more than half of the respondents were students!) and personal contacts with hundreds of people, the plan was put together very thoughtfully and deliberately. The Board of Regents approved our new mission, vision and values statements last April, and we anticipate going to the Board again at the end of this year to approve the rest of this draft plan.

Thanks to every single one of you for providing us the input from which the committee crafted the goals and objectives, followed by the strategies and indicators to show the yearly progress we make toward achieving the optimistic goals and objectives contained in the plan. We remain the higher education institution of choice in Nevada, and should be very proud of our access, quality and diversity that bring more students through our doors than any other college or university in this state.
Committee members were:

Tom Rosenberger Faculty, and Dept. Chair, Hospitality Mgmt
John Ziebell Faculty, and Dept. Chair, English
Barbara Graham Professor of Physical Sciences, Dept. of Physical Sciences
Mark Rauls Professor of Philosophy, and Senate Chair
Bob Bonora Professor of Music, Fine Arts Dept.
Michelle Word Administrative Faculty, Coordinator in Academic Affairs
Eric Garner Administrative Faculty, Manager-Public & College Relations
Kevin Stich Classified Facility Supervisor III, Facilities and Management
Derek Smith Classified Personnel Analyst II, HR
Patti Castro Interim Dean, School of Health Sciences
Hyla Winters Assoc. VP, Academic Affairs
Mary Kaye Bailey Assoc. VP, Financial Services
Ann Johnson Assoc. VP, Student Affairs
Thomas Brown Chief Campus Administrator, Cheyenne
K.C Brekken Manager, Public & College Relations
Nate Waugh Student Government President
Carlo Dacumos Director of User Services, OTS
Laura Yavitz IT Professional II, Institutional Research
Javier Trujillo Intergovernmental Specialist, City of Henderson
Anneli Adams Executive Director of CAPE, Facilitator
Joan McGee Charleston Campus Manager and Executive Director, Facilitator

We were honored to help facilitate this huge undertaking, and are very proud of this document. It is the result of a lot of hard work by a great many dedicated and talented people here at CSN, and supporters we have out in the community. Should you have any last minute feedback after reviewing the entire plan, please share your comments with either Anneli Adams (anneli.adams@csn.edu) or Joan McGee (joan.mcgee@csn.edu).


Joan and Anneli

Meeting adjourned at 10 a.m.

Next meeting scheduled May 10, 2010.

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