CSN Librarian Stephanie Espinoza reading to a class of 2nd graders at Robert E. Lake Elementary School during Nevada Reading Week.
The beginning of this month, February 27-March 3, marked Nevada Reading Week, where students across the state celebrated their love of reading! As a librarian, I can’t help but appreciate any time people acknowledge the value of reading in the lives of kids, students, and society as a whole. But the best part about Nevada Reading Week, for me, is the opportunity to give back, by volunteering to read to kids at local schools.
Nevada Reading Week first came about from the Nevada State Department of Education to encourage a love of reading in our own local children and give them opportunities to hear more stories in their classrooms. The week even corresponds with popular children’s book author Dr. Seuss’ birthday every year (March 2). CSN itself jumped on board to get involved in such an important event by asking for members of CSN from across the college to become Volunteer Readers for an hour or two at Robert E. Lake Elementary School throughout the week.
I was able to read three stories to two different classes. The second graders were polite as could be, offering compliments on my dress and staying seated through the entire story. They also asked questions and responded to my inquiries about Goldilocks, scary carrots, and what kind of helpful items a dragon could breathe out of his mouth (more than just fire, believe it or not!).
The first graders were just as into the stories, but a lot more talkative! They argued with the book narrators, asked if they could help get the knot out of their classmate’s shoelaces, and eagerly offered to grab the next picture book out of my bag or off the teacher’s easel. I asked them if they could dance like an elephant–which is fun at any age. At the end of the hour they gave me three synchronized chants they had practiced with their teacher to show how awesome guest readers were to them.
If you missed the opportunity to volunteer, there will be opportunities again next year! And if you’re studying education at CSN, you might be interested in some of the picture books for elementary school students, many of which can also be found in our Teacher’s Curriculum Library (TCL) collection at the North Las Vegas Campus:
- Creepy Carrots! by Aaron Reynolds, illustrated by Peter Brown: North Las Vegas Campus Library TCL: PZ7.R33213 Cre 2012
- Duck! Rabbit! by Amy Krouse Rosenthal, illustrated by Tom Lichtenheld: North Las Vegas Campus Library TCL: PZ7.R719445 Duc 2009
- Elephants Cannot Dance! by Mo Willems, illustrated by Mo Willems: North Las Vegas Campus Library TCL: PZ7.W65535 Ele 2009
- Goldilocks and Just One Bear by Leigh Hodgkinson, illustrated by Leigh Hodgkinson
- Not Your Typical Dragon by Dan Bar-el, illustrated by Tim Bowers
- Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin, illustrated by James Dean
For more about books for elementary school students, check out our CSN Library Program Guide for Education: Finding Books & Background Information.