Step into the multicultural center on the College of Southern Nevada’s North Las Vegas Campus and step back in time by visiting our Day of the Dead altar.
Centered around the idea that education is the golden step toward prosperity, the altar was sponsored by ASCSN and the Latino Alliance and was recently featured at the Springs Preserve.

Titled Los Pasos Dorados (The Golden Steps) the altar commemorates Latinx academics, who have helped paved the way for current and future generations to use education as a stepping stone to a successful future.
The altar will be featured in the multicultural center in the Tyrone Thompson Student Union until November 15 for those who missed it at the Springs Preserve Day of the Dead event over the holiday weekend.
Those features on the altar include:
- Julia de Borgos, a poet born in Puerto Rico in 1914. De Burgos’ poems engage themes of feminism and social justice and are a combination of the intimate, the land and the social struggle of the oppressed. She died in 1953 in Harlem.
- Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales, a poet and activist, was born in Denver in 1928. Gonzales was a boxer, a poet and an activist in his home state, where he helped register more Mexican Americans during John. F. Kennedy’s presidential campaign than any other time in the state’s history. He died of heart failure in 2005.
- Sor Juana Ines De Laz Cruz, an author and a nun born in Mexico in 1651, as the illegitimate child of a Spanish captain. She studied and read in secret, because girls were prohibited from those activities at that time. She died in 1695 after a plague fell over her city. She has been recognized as the first published feminist of the New World.