Dear CSN Family,
In response to Gov. Steve Sisolak’s announcement, NSHE has directed that all non-essential employees and operations at all system institutions shall close effective at noon tomorrow, March 18, 2020, for at least 30 days. At CSN, we have worked hard to restructure and realign our programs to go fully remote, including CTE classes, hands-on labs, simulations and many clinicals.
As a result, students, faculty and staff who were prepared to report to class Wednesday should not come to campus. Only those employees who provide core essential services that support operations and students should report to campus. The vast majority of our employees will be working from home or will be placed on paid administrative leave, as we have already planned for. As directed by NSHE Chancellor Thom Reilly, we will provide a list of those employees who are essential to the continued well-being of CSN students and employees by the end of business tomorrow.
Please note that the chancellor has indicated that facilities that were previously scheduled to remain open are now considered non-essential and will therefore be closed for the next 30 days as well. At CSN this includes libraries, computer labs, athletic facilities, and vendors. The limited campus operations considered essential are police services, facilities, select business operations, and information technology. These essential services will continue to be provided on campus. Many non-essential services will continue as well, but in a remote capacity.
As you know, we have been responding to a changing environment and multiple directives. I am very appreciative of your efforts and leadership to find solutions that allow us to continue to serve our students and our diverse Southern Nevada communities. I have no doubt that collectively we will emerge from this situation as stronger higher education institution.

Federico Zaragoza
College of Southern Nevada