Librarian Emily King introducing CSN Faculty to Kanopy, one of our streaming video collections.
Ever wonder what your libraries do all day? You might come in to use our computers and study, or find quality sources for your research papers on our website, and get a brief glimpse at what we do. But even when you’re not here, we’re constantly working to help students like you! Sometimes the best way to see what we do is just look at one day in the life of our library. So we did.
As part of the Nevada Library Association event called “Snapshot Day”, we collected data for a single day, April 6, to determine what one day in the life of our library really looks like. When you add up all the numbers from all three campuses, this is what we found:
Our in-person campus libraries had 4907 student visits
Our librarians received 104 reference questions
We had workshops, instruction classes, and events that 273 students and faculty attended
We circulated 489 total items
We circulated 475 total reserves
Our website received 2782 total views
We had 4870 searches in our discovery platform
We issued approximately 34 library cards
All in just one day!
Top comments during the day included:
“It’s always so helpful and the staff is always so friendly and willing to help me with everything I need! They go above and beyond to help me.” –Lisette Mendez

Librarian Jack Sawyer teaching CSN students about research in the North Las Vegas Campus Library.
“The CSN library is so important to me because the resources that is provided is great and useful. It actually helps me out in my classes and like outside of classes!” –Giovanni Sosa
“The librarians and assistants are always available when we need help. They provide us with tools like laptops and headphones. Always nice and always helpful. –Brianna Guillen
“The library feel cozy and welcome. Also, the staff are very helpful and try to help students with any needs such as, referring to a librarian if we need help with essay or doing research project.” –Jennifer Reyes
“Our library is awesome! I appreciate that we are able to check out models for Anatomy and Physiology and utilize study rooms to learn material. Also, puppy days are the BEST!” –Teresa Hazel

Students taking a break from their classes to pet dogs at the Charleston Campus Library.
Our data will next be combined with other libraries across the state of Nevada. The NLA will release their entire Snapshot Portrait soon so you can see how all Nevada libraries serve their students and communities. For more information, visit: nevadalibraries.org.