Dozens of CSN students, faculty and staff were joined by members of the community today on the college’s Henderson Campus to celebrate the upcoming construction of the college’s new student unions.
The buildings, which will begin construction this summer, will feature food courts, large and small meeting rooms, study space, courtyards, student government offices, advising offices and more. Virtually identical buildings will be built on each of the college’s three campuses. They are expected to be open for the fall 2019 semester.

CSN student body president Elizabeth Zuniga joined the CSN Coyote to celebrate the construction kickoff of the college’s new student unions.

CSN Acting President Margo Martin is joined by the CSN Coyote, Henderson City Councilwoman Gerri Schroder, CSN student body president Elizabeth Zuniga and construction and architect representatives
CSN Acting president Margo Martin said the new buildings will benefit students by giving them their own space to study, hang out with friends, or just be by themselves. She said the unions will make CSN more “sticky,” meaning students will be more likely to stay around. Research shows this to be true. The more students like their school, the more likely they are to come back.
Students overwhelmingly support adding student unions to the campuses. Current study body president Elizabeth Zuniga and last year’s student body president Jill Robinson both attended the event and spoke in favor of the unions.
The Board of Regents previously approved plans for the $80 million construction project, which will be paid for through student fees that were voted on and approved by students.
For renderings and plans, visit