Tag Archives: tenure

Tenure Announcement

Congratulations to the following individuals on earning tenure, approved by the Board of Regents today. Sherry Lynn Aldridge, Nursing Dr. Andrea Brown, Human Behavior Bryan Scott Burton, Public Safety & Human Services Jessica Carlson, Nursing Cecilia Degenhart, Health Related Professions … Continue reading

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March 2016 Chronicle

March Chronicle Welcome back! I hope you took a few days during spring break to unwind and prepare for the whirlwind that lies ahead. April and May are tsunami months, full of activities and the winding down of the academic … Continue reading

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Congratulations to the following individuals for whom the Board of Regents approved tenure this week. This is a major milestone and achievement for our faculty! Alda A. Anderson, Business, Hospitality and Public Service Craig N. Anderson, International Languages Dr. Barbara … Continue reading

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CSN March Chronicle

The March Chronicle Greetings and welcome back to faculty! We hope Spring Break was revitalizing! There is much to share with you at the mid-point of the spring semester. Town Hall Summary  I held a town hall meeting on the … Continue reading

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March Chronicle

The CSN Chronicle Greetings and welcome to The CSN Chronicle for March 2011.  Spring semester this year is unusually busy and the Legislature continues its deliberations. Work Climate Survey Survey results are summarized here for your information.  The committee, chaired … Continue reading

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