Balance Summer Work and Fun

Summer classes officially started on June 5. That means the CSN libraries is open longer (check out our hours if you’re not sure) and it means it’s time to get back to a studying frame of mind. But just because you’re taking classes doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t leave time for vacations and relaxations. Follow these tips to help balance a summer workload with summer fun!

Know the breaks

If you want to plan a summer trip, maybe think about choosing dates in between summer sessions. The full Summer 2017 Semester Calendar is available on CSN’s website. June 5 marked the first day of instruction for the first four-week, six-week, eight-week, and 10-week summer sessions, but of course the ending dates vary. The second four-week session begins July 3. The second four-week and eight-week sessions end on July 30, so August might be the time to go on vacation before classes start up again for Fall on August 28!

Brighten up your study space

It might not take you away to a beach in Maui, but if you have to go to classes during the summer you might as well give yourself some inspiration while you do your homework. Decorate a desk or table at home with postcards of exotic locations. Change your computer’s background image to a relaxing waterscape. Add some extra light by splurging on a new, fun lamp (nothing says “Summer in Vegas” like this Cactus Lamp from Target) to help you feel more like you’re studying in the summertime and not the dark of winter. If you come to the CSN libraries to study, pick a spot by a window where the sunlight comes streaming in.

Take time to read

Yes, we work in a library and tend to support reading in general. But we’re not the only ones who recommend you do so! A longitudinal study conducted in England, Scotland, and Wales followed the lives of a group of cohort members from childhood to age 42. By studying these people across time, authors Alice Sullivan and Matt Brown found that reading for pleasure, in both childhood and adulthood, is linked to vocabulary development and even progress in math! Summer Reading Programs exist in the public libraries for children (and often adults too!) to keep brains sharp even when school is out of session. This helps prevent the Summer Slide–a term that describes when children’s reading progress slides back during summer months since they’re not in school practicing the skill. So if you have kids, take some time this summer to read together! And even if you don’t, reading for fun is still relaxing and therapeutic when all you’ve done is stare at a textbook for the past few weeks. Search for your favorite fiction books at CSN libraries!


With summer classes, this season can feel almost as busy as the spring and fall! But if you schedule some time for yourself (whether it’s a long beach vacation or just 30 minutes to read), you’ll feel more recharged and ready to take on your next assignment!