What do library staff do all summer? – Eric

What do librarians do all summer? Well, the library stays open, our library assistant Eric, along with librarians and other staff are ready to help! Beside desk work, we also do other side projects to improve the overall library experience. OK… there is a desk in the back office too, I guess you can say…

Kid on skateboard

Trying Something New

Whenever humans try something new a few things happen.  Our entire bodies and minds get involved in the process of the new thing, whether we are learning a new language, trying a new sport, starting a new job or going back to school.  Our bodies and minds are aware of the ‘newness’ and may make…

Stephanie as Piper

What Do Librarians Do All Summer?! -Stephanie

What do librarians do all summer? Since the library stays open, we are still here to help students and work on projects, but that doesn’t mean we don’t also have fun! How I Spent My Summer “Vacation” Stephanie Espinoza, eLearning Librarian At the end of June, I planned and baked for two bridal showers (it’s…

Welcome Pokémon Masters!

CSN Library services would like to officially welcome all eagerly questing Pokémon, masters! Search among our stacks for a number of Pokémon, meet other players, and escape the heat. Just importantly, perhaps even most importantly, the CSN Libraries have charging stations, an invaluable asset for the Pokémon-seeker whose phone is drained by Pokémon seeking GPS!…

Library Instagram Contest

Do you like to share your photos on social media?  So do we!  Your CSN Library is now on Instagram @csnlibrary to keep you up to date on what we do each day, offer insightful study information, and share contests that you can participate in! To celebrate the launch of our new social media platform,…

Cite Right @ the Library!

Having trouble with MLA or APA citation? You know you have to cite your sources but you’re not quite sure how? The library has been providing citation guides on our website to help students like you through the process of citing sources, but now we’re providing a little extra help. On Wednesday, April 13, at…

Love Dogs Return with Love to CSN Libraries

With midterm projects over and final exams looming, who can resist a break from the stress to see a friendly face? Even if–or especially if–that face contains the extra slobber but irresistible smile of a Love Dog! That’s right, CSN libraries are going to the dogs once again, bringing back therapy animals and volunteers from the local…