Ulrich screenshot

Is it Peer Reviewed? Ulrichsweb Can Help

There’s a new database on our CSN Libraries A-Z listing! Ulrichsweb is a resource of detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals, such as peer reviewed journals, e-journals, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more. Ulrich’s records provide data such as publisher, language, subject, tables of contents and reviews written by librarians. These records use the term “refereed” to indicate whether…

Science and Nature Are Available Online

Science and Nature are two long-standing and highly regarded journals that publish peer reviewed research articles. Science was founded in 1880 with seed money from Thomas Edison, while Nature has been publishing since 1869. Articles from Science and Nature no longer appear in the results of the main search box on our Library website, but…

Need Local News Sources?

Does your research assignment focus on a topic related to Las Vegas, Henderson, North Las Vegas or any other location within Nevada? If so, our Las Vegas/Nevada News (Newsbank) database can help. It contains articles and transcripts from over 50 news outlets within Nevada. Currently you’ll find same-day articles from our local major newspapers the Las…

Library Resource Guide to Use with Dreamland

Dreamland: The True Tale of America’s Opiate Epidemic by Sam Quinones is the 2018-2019 selection for CSN’s One Book/One College common reading program. In its third year, this popular college-wide program strives to foster a sense of community, creativity, and conversation through the mutual study of a single book. This year’s selected book sheds light on…

New! Learning Express for Career Preparation

The new Learning Express Library has the same quality academic and career related information that you’ve used in the past, but now with a much easier to use interface. Access practice tests and tutorials covering a wide range of subjects and professions including nursing, firefighting, law enforcement, Praxis, computer skills, grammar, math, vocabulary and more.…

Psychology Assignments 101

Prepare Research assignments for CSN psychology classes can be among the most varied and challenging you will encounter. For certain class assignments your instructor will ask you to locate empirical research to help you examine a specific assigned topic. You may have to examine peer-reviewed journals. Occasionally, you are asked to select your own topic…