Browse Databases

What is a Database?

You should think of a library database as an organized electronic catalog and storage container for published articles mostly from research journals, newspapers, and magazines. Many databases give you access to other items like book chapters, e-books, government and business records and reports, photographic images and works of art, reference works, and audio files and…

Introducing BrowZine– A Free App

As a student at CSN you are already on a path to further study and a future career. One good way to get ahead and stay motivated along the journey to fulfillment is by keeping up with the dynamic ideas, practices, and workplace expectations in your field. Where do you find these? They are all…

Evaluating Resources and Fake News

Information is constantly streaming across our smartphones and computers through social media, websites, and databases. If you are like most college students, then you receive lots of messages, texts, and links every day. You probably also consult databases through the CSN Libraries website from time to time as part of your coursework. It’s important to know…

IBIS World

As it happens, the hopeful lifestyle changes that make up most of our New Year’s resolutions can affect the national economy in big ways. According to the financial analysts at IBISWorld, there are some key US industries that generate revenue as a result of consumer spending in top resolution areas.   Numbers show, the certain key…

Chat with a Librarian

Ask a Librarian: Even Sunday Night!

Midterm projects have been turned in. Finals are coming up. And you know you’ve got that research paper due at the end of the semester. Between work, class, children, parents, friends, chores, and life in general, it can be hard to find the time to work diligently during the week to make progress on those long-term…